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As a member of the Gloucestershire Golf Captains Association you agree to abide by the following rules.


The name of the association shall be THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE GOLF CAPTAINS.


Only past and present Male Golf Club Captains shall be invited to join the Gloucestershire Golf Captains Association and will become members on submission of the relevant application details to the Honorary Secretary together with the appropriate subscription in force at the time. All other membership applications shall be subject to approval by the Management Committee.

Each Member shall pay an Annual Subscription at the rate to be decided by the GGC committee.

The Association shall have the power to elect Honorary Members and such elections shall be at the discretion of the Management committee



The affairs of the Gloucestershire Golf Captains shall be conducted, making refeference to the GGC Operational Guideline Document, by a Committee consisting of the President, Vice president, Immediate Past President, Captain, Vice-Captain, Immediate Past Captain, Honorary Secretary and the Clothing Secretary.

i) At any Committee Meeting four shall form a quorum.

ii) A General Meeting shall be held annually

iii) The Committee may at any time convene a Special General Meeting.

iv) The Committee shall nominate candidates for the committee positions and then review at the AGM for endorsement.



Inter county matches are arranged on a home and away basis. Teams are selected by the GGC Match Managers and members will be notified, if selected, two weeks prior to the match date at the latest.



Meetings will be held annually, at which competitions shall be organised to play for The Gloucestershire Golf Captains Trophies.

Condition of entry:

Withdrawal of availability up to one week before the event will not incur a fee.


Withdrawal of availability in the week leading up to the event will incur a fee, at a rate to be decided by the GGC Committee, which must be paid to the GGC Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.



Handicaps are managed by the World Handicap System and any member wishing to play in the GGC meetings or matches must have an active Handicap Index.


The GGC is a non-profit making organisation and shall not make a distribution of any profits or surpluses save to another non-profit making body. In the event of the dissolution of the GGC, the assets and property of the GGC shall be distributed only to non-profit making bodies as shall be directed by the GGC committee.


Fund management

A bank account, nominated by the GGC committee, shall be maintained in the name of the GGC. The Committee shall authorise the Honorary Treasurer and the two Match Managers to sign cheques on behalf of the Association. All cheques must be signed by one of the authorised signatories.


The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finance of the GGC.


The accounts shall be audited at least once a year by the auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting.


An audited statement of the accounts for the last financial year shall be made available to Members, on the day, at the Annual General Meeting.

Alterations of Rules

No proposition, involving any radical alteration to the rules of the Gloucestershire Golf Captains, shall be adopted unless it obtains the support of two-thirds of the members present at a General Meeting.

No proposition shall be entertained at a General meeting unless the terms thereof have been submitted in writing to the Hon Sec at least 21 days prior to the General Meeting, and the Hon. Sec has given 14 days notice to all Members.

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